Examination of Loans to Businesses Critical to Maintaining National Security
Examination of Loans to Businesses Critical to Maintaining National Security Thursday, December 10, 2020 The purpose of the hearing is to examine the funds authorized by the CARES Act that provide up to $17 billion for loans and loan guarantees to businesses critical to maintaining national security. HEARING WITNESS LIST The Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin (Testimony)SecretaryU.S. […]
Municipal Liquidity Facility
Thursday, September 17, 2020 The purpose of the hearing is to examine the Municipal Liquidity Facility established by the Federal Reserve pursuant to the CARES Act. HEARING WITNESS LIST Mr. Kent Hiteshew (Testimony)Deputy Associate DirectorDivision of Financial StabilityBoard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Mr. Chris Edwards (Testimony)DirectorTax Policy StudiesCato Institute Mr. Marion Gee […]
Main Street Lending Program
Friday, August 7, 2020 The purpose of the hearing is to examine the Main Street Lending Program established by the Federal Reserve pursuant to the CARES Act. HEARING WITNESS LIST Dr. Eric S. Rosengren (Testimony) (Figures)President & Chief Executive Officer Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Ms. Lauren Anderson (Testimony)Senior Vice President & Associate General Counsel […]